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THERE IS NO HEALTH WITHOUT MENTAL HEALTH Connect with Danila Dilba Health Service today if you need some extra support

When you think about what it means to be “healthy,” most people’s minds are generally drawn to indicators such as weight, blood pressure or physical fitness.

But for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples, their overall health and wellbeing is also inextricably linked to their mental health and also the social, emotional and cultural wellbeing of their whole community.

Danila Dilba Health Service (DDHS) Health Promotion and Program Integration Executive Manager Tiana McCoy says 2023 was a challenging year, with many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people left feeling heavy following the unsuccessful Voice to Parliament referendum.

“It’s really important to acknowledge these feelings, and seek some extra support if you need it,” she says.

Tiana says the best starting point if you’re not feeling yourself is to book in for a health check.

“Your annual health check is free and provides a comprehensive overview of your physical, social and emotional health.

“The health check helps us to identify whether you are at risk of illness, a chronic condition or need some extra mental health support.”

Following your health check, your Danila Dilba doctor can also refer you on for up to 10 free follow-up services, including:

  • Counselling
  • A specialist or another health service
  • A service that works to prevent chronic conditions

Danila Dilba also offers a broad suite of social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) services to support clients with their mental health and social and emotional wellbeing needs, including:

  • One-on-one counselling
  • Specialist child counselling
  • A perinatal in-reach clinic
  • Access to a psychiatrist through our GP in reach clinic
  • Mental health support from Danila Dilba’s mental health nurse and Aboriginal mental health practitioner
  • Legal support
  • Alcohol and other drug input
  • Youth services
  • A number of group programs

Clients can also work one-on-one with the Danila Dilba SEWB team to create a mental health plan.

In the event that the SEWB team isn’t able to offer the appropriate support for your needs, they can refer you to a service that can assist.

“Racial stress is real, and what our mob have been feeling – both mentally and physically – is a very normal response,” Ms McCoy says.

“Be kind to yourself, stay connected to your family and close friends, and give Danila Dilba a call if you feel like you


Contact Danila Dilba’s clinics today: 8942 5400