Glencore’s McArthur River Mine is committed to making a positive difference to the lives of people in the community where it operates.

Its 2024 Charity Golf Day raised $126,000 for the Humpty Dumpty Foundation.
Held over two days at the premier Palmerston Golf and Country Club, a horde of MRM employees, contractors, suppliers and business partners took to the greens for a day of average but fun golf while leading the way in funding critical medical equipment for Territory kids.
All funds raised from the charity events go directly to supporting the Humpty Dumpty Foundation’s efforts of providing much-needed paediatric equipment to hospitals and health services across the Territory.
MRM continues its strong partnership with the foundation through its Charity Golf Day and is very supportive of Humpty’s continued focus on improving health outcomes for babies and children in remote and regional areas of the Territory.
“We’re committed to operating responsibly and making a positive contribution, and the charity golf days are our opportunity to give back to communities and assist with the Territory’s health challenges,” says Mark Furlotte, General Manager of McArthur River Mine.

Since partnering with Humpty in 2021, McArthur River Mining has raised more than $500,000 for the foundation,
“Through the generous sponsorship, donations, and involvement from everyone who took part in our charity golf day events, MRM is able to supply critical pieces of equipment to ensure Territory kids can continue to receive the very best care close to home,” says Mr Furlotte.
Last year MRM committed to raising funds for Humpty to supply new intelliVue patient monitors systems for Territory hospitals.
“This is a great example of the social benefit that private development, particularly mining, can provide to remote communities,” says Mark.
For the Territory’s hospitals, this means real and meaningful differences in the way they can provide care to Territory kids.
These machines are one of the most common and effective pieces of equipment used to care for sick infants and children. The equipment monitors the vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and oxygen levels.
The direct benefits of these machines was realised earlier this year when a special patient was able to receive quality care on country as a patient of Gove District Hospital.
“This little baby (photo inset) was with us for a few days unwell and monitored,” says Cara McLoughlin, Nurse Management Coordinator at Gove District Hospital.

“The photo was taken just before her discharge when she was feeling a lot better. “It’s a great representation of the smiles on most of our paediatric clients faces with the services we have been enabled to provide on-Ccountry through your generous donations.
“These tools open up access to our clinicians in being able to support our clients on-Ccountry and closer to home rather than sending them to larger regional centres. This keeps our trust with the community in providing culturally appropriate care on-Country.
“Thank you, Humpty and McArthur River Mining. You hear this often, but please know these donations truly make a difference to our team here at Gove District Hospital.”
MRM is working with Humpty and the Territory’s hospitals and health centres to finalise the delivery of equipment from the $126,000 raised at this year’s 2024 Golf Day events.
For more information on MRM community initiatives, visit