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Established in 2018, the mission of Kimberley Jiyigas is to share Indigenous culture, help amplify women’s voices and create more female Indigenousowned businesses, with the ultimate aim of creating positive social changes.

Jiyiga is the Jaru word for bird and the movement’s logo is the female black cockatoo, which has a striking yellow undertail. 

Movement founder Natasha Short says: “One of the greatest dangers today to the social, economic and cultural wellbeing of Kimberley Indigenous people is the abuse of alcohol and drugs in our communities, the lack of education and understanding, and the exploitation of vulnerable people. 

“This has led to all manner of misfortune, in addition to the high welfare dependency, which is detrimental to any cultural group. 

“Like many of my Indigenous peers, my passion and work centres on advocacy and support to make a positive change – moving out of a continuing cycle of misfortune and welfare dependency into a place of empowerment.” 

Services include events and project management; cultural and community intelligence; Indigenous leadership investment; and business mentoring and development. 

Kimberley Jiyigas has released a podcast called Kimberley SHEros, which showcases the stories of local Indigenous women. The podcasts were transcribed and repurposed into the publication Kimberley SHEros and Not So Secret Women’s Business. 

In 2021, Kimberley Jiyigas started the Maganda Makers Business Club, an Indigenous women-led grassroots initiative nurturing, championing and supporting Kimberley Indigenous women in business – aspiring, emerging, established and growing. 

The initiative is being developed through a collaboration of Kimberley Jiyigas, Good Return and the Menzies Foundation. 

Maganda is the Jaru word meaning “tomorrow’’. 

“The importance of Indigenous people seeing other Indigenous people doing something that they aspire to achieve cannot be overstated’’ says Natasha. 

Kimberley Jiyigas is a 100 percent Indigenous owned and operated consultancy business. 

To stay updated with their work, you can follow them on social media, sign up for their e-newsletters through their website, listen to podcasts on Spotify, and buy Indigenous products on their online shop. 


Kimberley Jiyigas 

0409 156 756