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Janalki means “the top one” in the Waramunga language.

And that’s what the Indigenous-owned business consultancy provides – the best advice on strategic planning, policy co-design and implementation and contract management. 

Owners Renee Long and Jackie Maclean, who have vast experience in business and government, are experts in advising companies on how to set objectives and goals, develop key performance indicators and carry out quantitative and quality analysis. 

They are particularly skilled at steering clients through red tape – the bugbear of every business. 

Their specialist knowledge includes economic participation and development, workforce development, community housing registration, government contracting and procurement, remote service delivery, and Aboriginal diplomacy. 

Renee and Jackie pride themselves on six core values: 

  • Buying local whenever possible 
  • Quality services 
  • On-time delivery 
  • Partner engagement 
  • Integrity and ethical operations 
  • Responsibility for their actions 

“We build up a good relationship with clients,” says Renee. “We help them see what they are doing well and where adjustments could be made to help achieve their goals. 

“We look at how one policy may impact on another and advise what they can do about it. 

“If you don’t set up appropriate systems early on, you’ll always be playing catch-up.” 

She says the company goes beyond a simple business-client contract. 

“We strive to create relationships, not transactions.” 

Janalki’s clients include SMEs, Indigenous organisations and the NT Government. But they also want to work with Aboriginal people who want to do business on Country, which is what Renee’s own family does. 

“There are lots of challenges to this, such as remoteness, supply chain logistics and land tenure. 

“But we are keen to work with people who want to establish an economic base for themselves.” 

Janalki believes the pathway to developing our regions is through a nation-building approach. 

“We need to plan several generations ahead, not only for the here and now.” 



Renee Long 


Jackie Maclean