I’d like to share with Territory Q readers some facts about Energy Club NT.

We are a membership-based, non-for-profit, bipartisan organisation that provides a platform to connect the energy industry and stakeholders, initiate and sustain business relationships, support innovation, and share information and opportunities with our members.
We support development across a diverse energy sector and foster collaboration that contributes to the growth and sustainability of industry in the Northern Territory.
Our platforms are designed to promote and educate industry through forums such as workshops, information sessions, events that encourage collaboration with our partners and other relevant industry associations.
Our monthly industry dinners offer opportunities to have relevant and topical speakers and representatives from across our diverse energy industry. The platforms all provide significant and unique networking opportunities.
Energy Club NT was incorporated in 2015. Our member events and industry dinner costs throughout this time have not changed. All proceeds made through our association go back to support the operation of our organisation.
We support the energy industry – every aspect of it. We embrace renewables as much as we do traditional energy resources.
The energy sector is a key contributor to the Territory’s economy. A recent ACIL Allen study shows INPEX-operated Ichthys LNG is forecast to support more than 2000 jobs every year in the Territory up to 2030.
Additionally, for every job created by Ichthys LNG, another 2.2 jobs are generated in the NT. Imagine how many more jobs are, and will become, available through the present and future investment towards natural gas projects.
In a recent article, APPEA chief executive, Andrew McConville, “The natural gas industry will play a part as a stable and reliable energy source into the future. It is the fastest way for Australia to meet its climate change targets as a cleaner form of energy.”
As the International Energy Agency points out, the applications of natural gas in a cleaner energy future are incredibly broad – from replacing coal in our neighbouring countries, to being a feedstock for hydrogen, to stabilising renewables.
All energy sources will have a significant role to play into the future and as we all work towards embracing a cleaner energy future. The oil and gas industry is continually demonstrating their commitment towards net zero gas emissions by 2050.
We must maintain a balanced view of the use of hydrocarbons and the instability it will create if we transition our power systems too quickly. At the moment, renewables and natural gas work in partnership to continue to power the world. It’s important to allow for an appropriate transition.
Throughout history, energy transitions have been difficult, and this one will be no different. Oil was discovered in 1859. It did not surpass coal as the world’s primary energy source until the 1960s.
We all strive for a cleaner, greener future. Who doesn’t want that for our planet? Hence, industry continuing to play a key role in producing cleaner energy through lower carbon or carbon neutral LNG.
We need to be realistic about this change. We need to allow time to build capability, develop technologies and skillsets, and ensure adequate training and education is available to operate within these changes. We also need to ensure we secure our jobs and to continue to build on our economic strength and future.
Different people will draw different conclusions to the climate change response and the transition from hydrocarbons to renewables and hydrogen. For those who are against natural gas projects, everyone is entitled to their opinion and to stand-up for what they believe in. However, any information that is sought to be shared or published should be based on facts, not assumptions.