Industry Skills Advisory Council Northern Territory is an independent notfor- profit organisation that provides advice to and gathers intelligence on workforce development, training package development, skills shortages and workforce solutions in the Northern Territory.

ISACNT’S purpose is to increase industry capability and capacity across the Territory through workforce, skills and training.
Chief Executive Officer Amelia Nuku says: “ISACNT continues to work closely with all 19 industries across the Northern Territory to identify and address skill shortages and workforce needs.
“ISACNT’s achievements and commitment to supporting local industry and business is working towards a stronger and skilled local workforce.”
Workforce development
ISACNT has developed and supported workforce development initiatives with industries and businesses through research, strategic development, industry engagement and consultation.
It is critical for industry and businesses to think outside the box to develop innovative workforce solutions to build a strong and sustainable skilled workforce in the Territory.
Evolving workforce needs and demands require workforce flexibility and responsiveness to adapt to environmental changes from technology advancements to socio-economic impacts to attracting and retaining skilled workers.
Training development and skills shortages
ISACNT is a conduit between industry, businesses, governments and relevant stakeholders to influence and contribute a Territory perspective to the vocational education and training sector and national reforms.
ISACNT engages with employers, peak industry associations and relevant stakeholders to gather industry intelligence on hard-to-fill occupations and skill shortages. The recommendations are provided to the Northern Territory Government to support the annual Northern Territory Skilled Occupational Priority (NTSOPL) survey, which influences the Government funding and policy decisions to best support industry.
Workforce solutions
ISACNT continues to be working with industry, businesses, governments and relevant stakeholders to invest and build a local skilled workforce through various workforce solution initiatives from upskilling existing workers, promoting and developing apprenticeship and traineeship programs, delivering industry tours to connect job seekers and students with local employers, gather industry intelligence and develop workforce solutions.

Industry Skills Advisory Council NT
Suite 201, level 2, the Avenue, 12 Salonika St, Parap NT 0820
(08) 7913 7500