There is something elusive that every business owner craves – points of difference, advantages over their rivals.

Paul Thomsen has them by the ute load.
He is an Indigenous, Darwin-born professional photographer and cinematographer who runs skills workshops and leads photographic tours on one of the most beautiful billabongs in Australia.
And he’s a storm chaser who understands the technical skills needed to capture shots of the Top End’s extraordinary storms.
“I love nature photography,” Paul says. “There’s always something different to see in nature, always something exciting. What seems mundane at first can often lead to a great photograph.
“And getting out into the bush is therapeutic. It’s all so beautiful.”
His love of photography began in a sad way – Paul was just a boy when his father Ivan died and bequeathed him his photographic gear.
There are three arms to his business:
The sale of nature photographs, which range from a crocodile in the early morning mist to a close-up of a Gouldian Finch.
Photographic tours on the beautiful Corroboree Billabong, 110 kilometres east of Darwin. Paul has his own boat and led 90 tours last year.
Workshops on nature photography where he encourages his guests to be adventurous, to try for the difficult shot
Paul lives at Marrakai and hopes to open a gallery and shop soon.
2300 Arnhem Highway
Marrakai NT 0822
PO Box 1244
Coolalinga NT 0839
0400 249 458