The Mates of the Murranji is a group of people who are committed to supporting the resurrection and promotion of the historical significance of Newcastle Waters township and surrounding area by building a solid future by recognising, recording and respecting the past.
It has now been confirmed that the next Mates of the Murranji Muster will be held on the 22 August 2022 to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the joining of the telegraph wires at Frew Ponds, originally Frew’s Ironstone Ponds.
To begin the muster, a commemoration event will be held at Frew Ponds Historical Reserve.
Frew Ponds is connected by a yet-to-be-completed 1.7 kilometre walking track from the Sir Charles Todd monument on the Stuart Highway, between Elliott and Dunmurra. Thanks to the proprietors of Sturt Plains Station and Hayfield Station, a vehicle access track may also be made available for the event at Frew Ponds.
The Heritage Branch of the Northern Territory has been tasked to coordinate and facilitate this special commemorative event.
After the official proceedings, the muster will relocate to the Drovers Memorial Park, Newcastle Waters township, to continue our all-important “social intercourse” activities. We plan to arrive at around 2pm before ultimately retiring to the Daly Waters Historic Pub for our (now) traditional debrief.
Accommodation availability is already problematic so we encourage you to make your own arrangements as a matter of priority, or be prepared to dust off your swags.
Hallowed Ground
Located three kilometres from the Stuart Highway, and clearly signposted, the Newcastle Waters Historic Township is the remnants of the Newcastle Waters township and the Drovers Memorial Park. The highlights are Jones’s Store, originally known as George Man Fong’s house, which has signage about the history of the town, and the Junction Hotel, which was built in the early 1930s by Jack Sergeant.
One of the least talked about buildings is the little corregated tin church. Recently spruced up with a coat of paint, this place is just begging for a bush wedding.

Update from the Mates of the Murranji
The Mates of the Murranji are excited to announce we have now gathered over 240 registered mates.
Go to the website and sign up and help us get to 500 by the 2022 muster.
While you are visiting our website, you can meet some of the Foundation Mates, and order your Mates of the Murranji shirt (now available in mint) to make sure you are all set for the 2022 muster.
We would like to thank Mates Nerys Evans, Laurie Davies and Tony Fuller for supplying additional photos for our online gallery.
To all Territory Q readers, if you have any historical photos of Newcastle Waters or the surrounding areas that you would like to supply for our online gallery, please email
Foundation member Sally Martin researches and writes tributes to characters of our droving history – and people we remember who are connected somehow to Newcastle Waters and the Murranji Track.
To complement her profiles, foundation mate Ted Egan has kindly shared his songs and yarns.
His first-hand accounts are historically significant because many of these people are long gone but from now, never forgotten.
If you are interested in buying these songs (as downloads or CDs) or related books, please visit Ted’s website at