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The Northern Territory, frequently overlooked in supply chain discussions, is now being recognised for its progressive capabilities in servicing remote projects, casting it as a new frontrunner in Australia's energy sector.

Years of rich experience, combined with unique benefits associated with its geography and infrastructure, establish the NT as an attractive prospect for essential investments, thereby opening opportunities for local businesses to thrive. This is all part of an ambitious vision, initiated during the previous Labor government, which now rests in the capable hands of the newly elected NT officials.

The vision is ambitious and forward-looking, with a clear strategy to strengthen infrastructure, promote innovative practices across sectors, and double local participation in the industry supply chain to 50 percent by This bold move could inject an estimated $1 billion into the NT economy within just 10 years.

Local businesses are asked to step up, particularly in the gas sector, where they already make a significant contribution. Their unique ability to provide services across sectors as varied as minerals, energy and defence highlights their invaluable skill of agility, collaboration and innovation, positioning them for future success.

Simultaneously, the NT is drawing attention from supply and service companies from other states, creating a healthy competitive environment that can only serve to enhance local ability and reputation.

Energy Club NT has been pivotal in this evolutionary process. With a diverse membership, comprising global operators, contractors, and the local supply chain, the club embodies the spirit of collaboration. Through its efforts, it is driving the growth of the NT’s energy sector by uniting stakeholders and promoting sustainable practices and robust partnerships.

The time is ripe to tap into the potential of the NT’s energy sector. The crystal clear vision is to streamline market access, harness sustainable practices, and spark growth by creating an environment of fruitful cooperation and innovation.