The Northern Territory Government’s Aboriginal Procurement Policy is a step change on the advancement of Aboriginal employment and business opportunities through government contracting activities.

The APP, which started on 1 July 2022, introduced for the first time whole-of-government targets to increase opportunities for Aboriginal business enterprises to take part in government procurement activities.
It set a target of 5 percent for the number and the value of NT Government contracts awarded to Aboriginal business enterprises.
During the first year of the APP, the NT Government achieved:
4.54 percent of total number of NT Government contracts awarded to ABEs
6 percent of total value of NT Government contracts awarded to ABEs
The 5 percent target will remain the same for 2023-2024 year while the NT Government undertakes a review of the APP, which will help inform the delivery and direction of the policy for the next three years.
To ensure APP targets are achieved, the Government will ensure procuring agencies understand the preferential engagement opportunities they have, and encourage a greater diversity of industries utilising options available.
Territorians, especially ABEs, are encouraged to provide feedback on the APP.
To find out more about the review and to have your say, visit: haveyoursay.nt.gov.au